Getting Started with the Skatesense API

Skatesense offers an API to access the latest data about skaters and events.


To use the API you will need an API key: create an account then contact us to receive your key.

The API key should be included with requests as a Token in the Authorization header like this:

Authorization: Token 9944b09199c62bcf9418ad846dd0e4bbdfc6ee4b

Querying data

The API lives at /api/v1

By default the API returns html responses for viewing the browser. You may want to include ?format=json at the end of your requests to get json data.

Each endpoint can be filtered to show information from a single event organizer by adding e.g., ?organizer=SLS

There are currently endpoints for listing skaters, events, and competitions:

Each of these list endpoints has links to individual skaters, events and competitions with many more details and statistics.

Finally, there is an endpoint for comparing two skaters. You'll need do look up the UUIDs of the skaters you want to compare using the skaters endpoint:

Full documentation

There is full auto-generated documentation at:

If you are logged in you can also browse the API from your browser at: